The safety system covers all areas of PNT production activities. Primary focus is put on the following issues:
Health and safety
of personnel
Sustainable enterprise
The company conducts annual exercises with the involvement of rescue teams, fire and rescue units and other interacting structures, to practice the procedures for staff in the event of emergency.
Taking into account the hazardous production factors, special attention is paid to labor safety issues.
The internal labor rules and regulations determine the work and rest schedule in compliance with the norms of labor legislation.
More specifically, the following measures have been taken:
- Workplaces were certified by conditions
- Accident risks at work were insured.
- All the employees got protective clothing and footwear, as well as other special personal protective equipment according to the applicable standards.
- On admission and in the course of employment preventive and periodic medical examinations are conducted to monitor the staff health and timely detect the possible occupational diseases.
The specific nature of Petersburg Oil Terminal operations calls for higher standards for industrial and fire safety, as well as occupational health and safety. The implementation of administrative and technical measures aimed at emergency prevention, impact reduction and quick response allow to keep the risk both for the Company employees and population within acceptable limits.